
Name of Project

Collective memory workshops & exhibitions


Survivors of CRSV



Facilitated/Produced by

Mukwege Foundation & Maison de la Mémoire


Throughout 2022, the Mukwege Foundation and Maison de la Mémoire gathered survivors of the local networks Mouvement des Survivant.e.s de Centrafrique (MOSUCA) and Collectif national des victimes de Centrafrique (CNAV-CA) to take part in 12 workshops, including personal development classes, music therapy, theater drawing and dance classes, and handicraft workshops. The collection of powerful artworks created by survivors during these workshops were later showcased in exhibitions in three different locations within Central African Republic: Bouar, Bambari and Bangui. In Bangui, the exhibition was accompanied by a special event for survivors on May 11th, the National Remembrance Day for the Victims of the Conflicts in the Central African Republic.

Live Performances & Visual Arts

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